Different forms of sustainability
Triolab participates in the sustainability programme of the AddLife group in which environmental considerations have the most weight. The group uses three categories for sustainability: Companies must be responsible distributors that take the environment and their carbon footprint into account in the transport of products, travel of people, and use of facilities. Companies must be responsible market participants with fair business activities, respect for their competitors, and open and transparent communications. Companies must also be responsible employers that take care of their statutory duties and responsibilities, create a safe work environment and treat all employees equally and fairly.
Caring for the environment
Triolab distributes products manufactured all around the world in Finland. Some of the freight companies we use provide us with reports on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions caused when the products we represent are transported from the manufacturer to the end customer. For other freight companies, we assess the carbon dioxide emissions ourselves based on the mode of transport, length of haul, and product weight.
We also calculate the environmental impact of our business travel (sales visits, installation and maintenance visit, etc.) and our use of our facilities (heating, electricity, etc.). These are all regularly reported to our parent group which compiles and publishes the environmental information of all the group companies.
Most of our carbon dioxide emissions result from transporting products from principals to customers. We therefore especially focus on logistics in our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint – without compromising the quality and safety of our products, of course.
Reliability and patient safety
Many of Triolab’s products are related to in vitro diagnostics, which is a heavily regulated field. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure that the instruments and tests used are reliable and comply with patient safety requirements.
In addition to abiding by external regulation, our internal certified quality system requires incident preparedness and observing certain indicators. For example, our warehouses have a temperature monitoring system and a reserve generator for power outages that contribute to ensuring that the end products delivered to customers are flawless and do not compromise patient safety in healthcare. As a distributor, we are responsible for the products until they are handed over to the customer.
Honesty, transparency and economy
Responsible market participants abide by laws and regulations. Corruption is low in Finland, but responsible companies also respect their competitors and participate in tenders fairly. Responsible companies also fairly and honestly communicate on their business activities to their customers and stakeholders. These actions also result in long-lasting and productive partnerships.
Responsible companies also strive to identify and suggest comprehensive solutions that are financially and ethically viable. For example, each day a patient must spend in intensive care costs thousands of euros. If a piece of equipment can shorten a patient’s stay in intensive care by one day, thousands of euros are saved – and if we can shorten the stays of a thousand patients by one day, millions of euros are saved!
Support to employees
The job satisfaction of Triolab employees is monitored with annual surveys whose results are presented to the entire personnel. Our annual schedule also includes regular documented personal development discussions with follow-up discussions. Any problems are discussed and intervened with. Our overall goal is to create a safe, people-oriented work environment.
We strive to ensure already at the recruitment stage that all new employees fit our work community. We invest plenty of time in the induction of new employees and they are provided with clear explanations on what is expected of them. Triolab has also established a working group for development and a well-being committee that aim at providing all employees the opportunity to develop their work without adding to their work load as well as the chance to network, have fun and get energised with their co-workers.
Together towards sustainability
No company can become sustainable in a year or two just by deciding to be that. Process improvement requires determined long-term development. It all starts with the people who want to change their work culture to one that considers the environment, financial aspects and other people.
Of course, management must take responsibility, be committed and steer the ship. Still, sustainability is a project that requires participation from everyone, and results can only be achieved with teamwork. – Jussi Kurittu